How to Improve Self-Esteem: A Guide for Men


Around 85% of Americans have low self-esteem, many of whom are men, which shows how common this is. 

As a man, having low self-esteem can negatively impact all aspects of your life, from your career to relationships. When it’s not dealt with, negative self-esteem can manifest in different mental health ailments like sadness, depression, and incessant anxiety. Because of this, it’s important to tackle self-esteem so you can live a happy and fulfilling life.

Perhaps you’ve been struggling with this problem and you’re looking for guidance. Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s how to improve self-esteem.  

Define Your Goals 

This how to guide starts by outlining your goals.

Low self-esteem stems from the feeling of not living up to your potential or pursuing objectives that you’ve always dreamed of. You should also note anything that is concerning you, such as your body or lack of social skills. Once you’ve fleshed these out, then it’s easier to know what to work on.  

Work Out Regularly

The key to being confident is loving yourself, inside and out. Although having a ripped body isn’t necessary, carving the time to improve yourself and boost your mental well-being will improve all aspects of your life. You will also feel better about yourself because you’ve achieved your goals and given yourself the respect you deserve.  

Educate Yourself 

If you’ve been struggling with low confidence for an extended period, then educate yourself on the matter. There’s a huge selection of free resources where you can get advice from psychologists, educators, and others who have been in your shoes. 

Make sure you check out The Six Pillars of Self Esteem by Nataniel Branden as it’s hailed as the most significant work on this topic. You should also read Victor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning as it teaches readers to embrace change and accept that suffering is a byproduct of life, which will help you move forward with more self-confidence.   

Consider Your Friendships  

Another way to increase confidence is by evaluating your friendships. The problem with toxic masculinity is there’s a myth that men are self-sustaining individualists who can survive on their own. But like all humans, you should surround yourself with loved ones who care about your well-being and support you.

If there’s a friend who leaves you feeling drained or isn’t reliable, then consider moving on from them. This proves that you respect and love yourself enough to nurture healthy relationships.     

Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Ones 

Men with low confidence are often bombarded with negative thoughts throughout the day. And although it’s impossible to eliminate all pessimistic thinking, confident men lean towards positive thoughts as it benefits their mental health. 

If you’re struggling with an onslaught of negative thoughts, then accept their presence and know that these don’t define you. You should also try meditating for 10 minutes every day as it’s a great way to clear your mind and practice focusing on the present.  

Help Other People 

Another great way to boost self-esteem is helping other people. This will make you forget about yourself and whatever you’re struggling with while lifting others. So if you’re a whiz with designing flyers, then ask local businesses if you could help for free. 

Aside from meeting and helping new people, it will highlight your strengths and boost your confidence. Because of this, reach out to someone in need, lend a hand, and you’ll improve your mood.  

Accept Your Mistakes 

Mistakes are a part of being human but the only difference is how you react to them. Men with low self-esteem will wallow and replay these negative moments in their minds, which means they’re constantly wrought with anxiety and guilt.

Instead, write out the mistakes you’re struggling with and figure out what you’ve learned. This will give you peace of mind and help you become a better person, which will give you a much-needed boost of confidence.  

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude positively improves your self-esteem as it lets you focus on the good in your life. Get in the habit of listing three things you’ve been grateful for every morning or evening. Aside from being soothing, it teaches you to appreciate the smaller moments in life that are easily overlooked.  

Accept Change Is Constant

Men with healthy self-esteem understand that change is a natural part of life and they embrace it. So, because it’s inevitable, figure out how you’ll create positive change with your choices. Perhaps you want to strengthen your body, eat well, or nurture healthy relationships because it’ll improve your quality of life. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Confident men understand the importance of self-care and accept it looks different for everyone. Make sure you carve out personal time in the evening or over the weekend where you can relax. For instance, you may improve your skincare routine or unwind by reading your favorite book in the bath. 

Compete Against Yourself

When you have good self-esteem, you don’t compare yourself with others. Instead, you strive to improve the past versions of yourself by showing up. For instance, if you feel frustrated with your current basketball skills, then practice every morning or evening so when you see improvement, you’ll get a boost of self-esteem.  

How to Improve Self-Esteem for Men

Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ve learned how to improve self-esteem. 

Start by defining your goals, exercising regularly, and accepting your past mistakes. You should also make time for self-care and accept that change is a part of reality so you continue to grow. Good luck! 

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Author: IzzyWeb