Improve Your Sleep Quality With These Easy Routine Changes

Improve Sleep Quality

According to the CDC, one in three people says that they don’t get enough sleep.

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t get enough sleep, you’ve probably found out that it affects the quality of your life. 

So how can you improve sleep quality? There are actually a few things you can do to help, so keep reading to find out what they are!

Reduce Blue Light Exposure

Before you go to bed, make sure that you reduce the amount of blue light that you’re exposed to. Blue light comes from screens, like your phone, TV, or computer. 

The blue light messes with your production of melatonin, which makes your brain think it’s daytime so that you don’t feel sleepy or relaxed. 

We’ve never consumed this much blue light before, so more research needs to be done. However, a lot of people have reported getting better sleep when they limit their exposure.

Some things you can do include turning blue light filters on your devices in the evening. You can also get blue light glasses that will help to filter some of that light out. The best-case scenario would be to stop using electronics, but sometimes that’s not always possible. 

Stick to a Schedule

In order to get a good night’s sleep, you should try and set aside time for eight hours of sleep. For an adult, you should get between seven and nine hours to be healthy. However, most people don’t need more than eight.

To achieve this, make sure you go to bed at the same time each night and then wake up at the same time each day. Many people mess up their sleep schedules on the weekend since they don’t have work, but it can really harm your sleep schedule overall. 

Your body is set on a circadian rhythm, and normally this is lined up with the sun rising and setting. If you align your sleeping patterns with this, your body will produce melatonin at the correct times, enabling you to fall asleep easier and sleep through the night. 

After you’ve done this for a few weeks, your body should also automatically wake you up at the same time every day, meaning you won’t need an alarm.

Pay Attention to Your Diet

Your diet will also affect how well you can sleep. If you’re too hungry or too full, you can end up lying in bed awake for hours. So try and space out your meals so that you’re not eating a lot right beforehand. 

You should also avoid using alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine right before bed because these can disrupt your sleep schedule.

Ensure that you’re also getting the right amount of nutrients that your body needs. If you aren’t getting it from your diet, you can check out supplements, like SugarBear Hair.

Don’t Take Long Naps

Taking long naps during the day might sound like a good idea until it’s 3 a.m. and you’re still wide awake.

If you are going to take a nap, make sure it’s in the middle of the day and that it doesn’t last for more than thirty minutes. If it lasts longer than that, you can get disoriented and tired. This will also make it harder to fall asleep at night.

Take Time to Wind Down

If you are finding it difficult to improve sleep quality, you might have problems falling asleep. If this is the case, maybe you aren’t taking time to get yourself ready for sleep.

Stress and anxiety can impact your sleep and ability to fall asleep or unwind. So to unwind you might need to start trying some relaxation techniques. You could try dimming the lights, listening to calming music, read, or even take a warm bath.

You need to find a way to help shut out the thoughts from the day so that your brain can slow down and actually rest at night. If you find that your brain is running all over the place during the day, you might want to try and slow it down during the day as well and practice these relaxation techniques or some deep breathing.

Turn Your Bedroom Into a Relaxing Place

Lastly, making sure that your bedroom is an environment where you can feel relaxed and get ready for sleep.

When you have somewhere that’s quiet, dark, and chilled, it’ll be a lot easier for you to fall asleep. Some people also fall asleep better if they have some white noise to listen to. This can involve listening to some rain or ocean sounds to help you fall asleep. 

You should also make sure that you never work or do anything else stressful in your bedroom. Otherwise, your brain will be wired to be ready to do that even when it’s time to sleep. You should only use your bed for sex or for sleep.

Learn More About How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

These are only a few things that can help to improve your sleep quality, but there are many more things that can help you out. If none of these things work, you might want to talk to your doctor about what might be keeping you from getting some good sleep. They might be able to offer some other suggestions and help you out.

We know that not getting enough sleep can be stressful, but thankfully, we’re here to help you get a good night’s sleep.

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Author: IzzyWeb