The Latest Hearing Loss Prevention Methods Everyone Should Embrace


In the US, around 15% of adults have some trouble hearing. If you fall into this group, then you might be worried about hearing loss as the years go by.

You’ll lose a degree of hearing due to aging, but there are ways you can slow or even prevent it.

In this article, we’ll outline several hearing loss prevention methods you need to put into place if you want to protect your hearing.

Avoid Loud Noises

The best way to protect your hearing is to avoid loud noises; this includes loud music either through speakers or headphones.

Of course, it’s not always possible to remove yourself from situations with loud sounds. So you might want to try the next suggestion.

Wear Hearing Protection

If you’re going to be somewhere with loud noise (such as a concert or construction site), make sure you wear good hearing protection.

For something like a concert, you can wear earplugs that are made of foam or rubber. These will decrease sounds by 15 to 30 decibels; custom ones will protect your ears more. But otherwise, you can buy these off the shelves.

For construction, you should wear earmuffs, which will also block out 15 to 30 decibels. For optimal protection, consider wearing earplugs too.

Stop Smoking

Some research shows that smoking can make you more susceptible to hearing loss. This, in addition to other health problems, makes smoking very bad for you.

If your hearing is important to you, then it might be time to stop smoking. You can ask your doctor for help if you’ve tried but failed to quit before.

Test Your Hearing Regularly

Are you having trouble hearing conversations or hear ringing in your ears? Or have you experienced sudden hearing loss? Then you should have a hearing test done.

Even if you don’t have issues, it’s good to have one done at a place like Wichita Falls Hearing, just to make sure everything’s ok.

Early detection of hearing loss is important for saving what hearing you have left.

Check Your Medications

This may come as a surprise to many people, but there are a lot of medications that can affect your hearing.

Before you start taking a medication, make sure to discuss it with your doctor. They might be able to test your hearing both before and during treatment to ensure your hearing isn’t affected.

You’ll also want to check the labels of all medications you’re taking to know all possible side effects, including hearing loss.

Protect Your Ears With Good Hearing Loss Prevention

Hearing loss prevention is key if you want to retain as much hearing as possible. Make sure you put these tips into practice well before you notice any hearing loss, as this can help you keep this sense sharp!

If you want to stay in optimal health, then keep reading our blog page for more on health and wellbeing.

Author: IzzyWeb