4 Common Signs You Have a Cavity


Did you know that the average American has 3 fillings, and 25% of Americans have more than 10? 

A dental cavity happens when the tooth decays and a small hole forms. If left untreated, this hole will get bigger over time. However, a dentist can quickly fill the hole if the cavity is caught early. Otherwise, an extraction may be necessary. 

But, do you know how to recognize the signs you have a cavity? If not, you should. Waiting until your annual dental check-up could mean your cavity increases in size, leading to horrible toothache and extensive dental work. 

Read on to find out how to know if you have the signs of a cavity. 

1. Your Teeth Hurt 

The most apparent indication of a cavity is a toothache. The toothache may be localized to the specific tooth, or it could be all around your mouth. The cause of this pain is due to inflammation around the tooth. 

If you visit the dentist as soon as you get a toothache, they’ll generally help with getting rid of a cavity using a filling rather than extracting the tooth. A  dental filling cost is cheaper than an extraction. 

2. You’re Sensitive to Heat and Cold 

If you notice your teeth are particularly sensitive to hot and cold food or drink, you may need cavity treatment.

When you have a cavity, it exposes a layer of tissue called dentin. When hot or cold substances touch the dentin layer, it stimulates nerves within the tooth that gives you a sensation of pain. 

3. You’ve Got Tooth Staining

Cavities happen when too many harmful bacteria are in your mouth (sugar is a breeding ground for these bacteria). As a cavity grows in size, it can start to show as discoloration on the outside of your tooth. 

Look out for any white, light, brown, or back spots on your teeth that won’t come off with brushing. 

4. You Can Feel a Hole in Your Tooth 

Finally, this one is obvious – it’s time to visit your dentist straight away if you can see or feel a hole in your tooth. This is a cavity, and you need to deal with it proactively if you want to avoid having the tooth pulled out. 

If you’re in pain while you wait for an appointment, you can buy a dental repair kit from a pharmacy. However, these kits are temporary, and treatment by a dentist will still be necessary. 

The Main Signs You Have a Cavity Explained 

It’s time to get to the dentist immediately if you’ve noticed any of these signs you have a cavity. If you catch it early, you’ll most likely just need a filling. 

There’s no shame in needing a filling; it’s very normal. But, after your procedure, make sure that you spend time caring for your teeth to prevent any further damage or decay. 

Did you find this article helpful? If so, make sure to check out our other posts for all things health, lifestyle, dental, and more. 

Author: IzzyWeb