Top 4 Pro Tips Every Beginner Drummer Must Know

Tips For a Beginner Drummer

You’re not going to become a great drummer overnight.

Drumming can take a lifetime to truly master, but if you’ve got natural rhythm and you practice hard, you can get pretty good relatively quickly. Everyone’s got to start somewhere, so today, we’re going to give 4 tips that every beginner drummer should use to get better.

Everyone knows that the drums are the most fun instrument, so take these tips to heart and practice every day. Soon, you’ll be able to find some bandmates and get on the road to music stardom.

1. Learn Proper Technique

Sure, once in a blue moon, you’ll see a drummer with really bizarre technique make it into a big band and you’ll think, “Hey, why is that guy standing when he plays drums?”. This is rare and you’re better off as a beginner drummer to learn proper technique. 

Simple things like setting up the kit properly are going to set you on the right path as a drummer. Learn how to hold the sticks, learn heel up and heel down bass drum technique, and learn all of the different iterations of both of these important drumming facets. The more you know from the start, the more you’ll have to draw from as you develop your own style.

2. Tempo Control

You’re never going to get a gig as a drummer if you can’t control the tempo. As the drummer, you’re the one dictating how fast or slow every other player goes, but wild tempo fluctuations are going to get you fired quickly. It’s never about how flashy you can be, but how steadily you can steer the ship, so to speak.

Always practice with a metronome and play along to your favorite songs to feel how tempo plays a role in a song’s emotional impact. This is what the best drummers bring to the table. Once you can control the tempo, you can buy a double kick pedal from and take it to another level.

3. Build Muscle Memory

Honestly, the best thing you can do to get better is to build that muscle memory, which comes with hours upon hours of practice. When learning new rudiments and techniques, start by playing them ultra slow and work on them until your limbs do all of the work without you having to think about it.

When you can play with ease, start to increase the tempo until the muscle memory thing doesn’t work anymore. Then, practice at that tempo until it’s nothing for you. 

4. Dynamics

When you start playing with songwriters, you’ll quickly learn how important dynamics are going to be. You don’t want to be playing all over the quiet part of the song because you don’t know how to hit softly. Dynamics, like tempo, help to give the song its emotional impact. 

Practice playing quietly and gradually get louder until you’re hitting as hard as you can, then go back down to hitting quietly. Another way to get a feel for this is by listening to a lot of music. Dynamics play a huge role in any great song.

You’re a Beginner Drummer Now, But…

You may be a beginner drummer now, but with these tips in the back of your mind and lots of practice, you’ll find yourself getting better every day. Bands are always looking for great drummers, so take it seriously and you’ll be a star in no time.

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Author: IzzyWeb