5 Timeless Father and Son Bonding Activities

Father and Son Bonding Activities

According to a report by Pew Research Center, sixty-three percent of dads living in America think they spend too little time with their kids. Though there has been an increase in time spent compared to fifty years ago, dads still think they can be doing better. 

A huge part of spending time with kids is creating that lasting bond. The bond between a father and son can be strong, and there are ways to do it without it being hard work.

If you’re looking to form a better bond with your son, read on to learn five of the best father and son bonding activities. 

1. Learn to Play an Instrument 

No matter what age your son is, this can be a fun activity to do together. If they’re really young, it’s less about learning how to play and more about making as much noise as you can. If they’re older, you can try to tackle learning the guitar or drums together, even if neither of you is good at it. 

There are tons of online videos you can watch together to learn. It’s something you can pick up time and time again, especially since it will take a lot of time to do. 

2. Play Video Games 

If your son is a gamer, playing video games with him can be one of the best father-son activities to do. You can play on a team, or do a strategy game so that you are playing together and not against each other.

You can have him teach you, so he feels connected and has your full attention. Showing you care about what he cares about can go a long way.

3. Race Cars

Racing cars is a great fun activity that you can do indoors or outdoors. If you have remote control cars, you can set up whole courses together and race them through your yard or in a park. This can get competitive and be exciting, and you can even collect them together. 

If you’re interested in remote control cars, check out these RC bashers. There are so many different variants, you’ll be sure to find something for both of you.

4. Build Something

Building something together can be a learning experience for you both and be a great hands-on activity. It doesn’t have to be extreme. You could even just do a Lego project together.

However, if your son is older, you could tackle household projects, like building a table or even a fort. Working together can help you learn how each other works, and it gives you time to talk. 

5. Get a Haircut 

Getting a haircut together can be great for father-son bonding, especially when they’re younger. When they see you get your haircut, they’ll admire you and want to imitate you.

Getting similar haircuts can be a cute way to share the experience. But even if you don’t, it can be an activity only the two of you do every few weeks. 

Father and Son Bonding Activities

These father and son bonding activities are sure to bring you and your son together.

Bonding doesn’t always have to be having a heart to heart talk. You can do fun activities together and explore the world while spending time with one another. 

The more you put into it, the more you’ll get out. If you enjoyed this article, consider checking out our catalog of lifestyle tips and tricks. 

Author: IzzyWeb