5 Stress Relieving Techniques to Keep Yourself Calm

Stress Relief

Has anyone ever told you to stress less? Well, it’s a little easier said than done. Sometimes trying to destress and feeling unsuccessful can make you even more stressed!

So it’s time to try some different stress-relieving activities. Forget just trying to be less stressed and use proven techniques.

1. Say No

One of the most common contributors to stress is feeling overwhelmed with one’s schedule or responsibilities. Whether you work in a fast-paced environment or you are raising a family of 4, life gets busy.

Instead of saying yes to everyone and stretching yourself too thin, just say no. Assess exactly how many commitments you have time for, and let the rest go or ask for help.

It is not always so simple, but chances are there are at least a few things in your life that you can decline in order to make time for yourself and prioritize stress-free activities.

2. Change Your Diet

When you experience stress it is tempting to reach for comfort food that is high in fat and sugar. But if you really want stress relief you should try green leafy vegetables, blueberries, or turkey instead.

Vitamin D and tryptophan in milk can also have a de-stressing effect. Check out www.ingredia-usa.com to learn how dairy-based bioactive ingredients can alleviate stress and improve overall wellness.

Try to stay away from high sugar foods and foods and beverages with caffeine. The stimulation from caffeine can make it very hard to manage stress levels.

3. Do Not Procrastinate 

If there is a project or task that you can do today, don’t wait until tomorrow. Leaving things to the last minute will increase your stress and generally will not improve the unpleasant thing you were trying to avoid.

Start your day by tackling the most difficult task rather than waiting until the end of the day. This way, you can remove that stressful item from your list without dwelling on it.

4. Exercise

When life gets busy your exercise routine is usually the first thing to go. But if you want to relieve stress, exercise is one of the best remedies. Even a few minutes of walking or stretching can make a difference

Pick a form of exercise that you enjoy so that it doesn’t seem like a chore. Expending physical energy will help you think more clearly and reduce the symptoms of stress.

5. Be Social

After a long day, you may be inclined to go home, shut off your phone, and watch television. However, making plans with friends or family is a much better way to reduce the stress of a difficult day.

People who socialize and have close relationships are overall healthier than those that don’t, including their levels of stress.

Stress-Relieving Techniques in Action

The next time you are feeling stressed, try one of these stress-relieving strategies. Chronic stress can cause a number of health issues including cardiovascular disease, obesity, and gastrointestinal issues.

Do not wait for your stress to disappear on its own. Take action now and receive all the benefits of a reduced stress lifestyle.

If you want to learn more about health and wellness techniques, browse some of our free resources. 


Author: IzzyWeb