10 Parenting Tips for Single Fathers with Daughters

single fathers and daughters

Close to 3 million single dads live in the US. And that number is climbing.

However, single dads are much less common than single moms. And there just doesn’t seem to be the same kind of support for single dads with daughters.

Read on for our top 10 parenting tips that will help you on the bumpy road of raising daughters.

1. Don’t be Overprotective

It is natural for dads raising girls to want to protect them. You don’t want her to climb that tree in case she falls and cries.

One of the best parenting tips we can give you is to avoid the tendency to overprotect. The world is not all kittens and rainbows. And while you do need to shelter your girls, you need to help them learn critical coping and problem-solving skills.

If you are overprotective, your daughter will either rebel or become dependent, and neither of those outcomes is a positive. Allow some limited risks and she will learn confidence as she succeeds.

Don’t always jump in and solve it for her. Ask questions like “what do you think you should do to fix this?”

Remember, it is OK for her to cry because she got hurt jumping off a playset. Your job as a dad is not to make sure she never cries, but that she always gets back up when she falls.

2. Let Her Make Decisions

Do not feel that to maintain your role as an authority figure that you must have the final word on all decision.

Fathers and teenage daughters will often butt heads over control. Remember that she needs to grow up. You mustn’t stunt her growth.

While there are some things that you need to put your foot down on, many things can be discussed together.

For example, curfew. You think 10 pm is reasonable – she says midnight is what her friends get. Discuss the situation together.

Explain that you want to have a calm discussion and that you are open to hearing her reasoning for why it should be later. She might make excellent arguments that help you reconsider.

Who knows, you may be prepping a future lawyer.

3. Communicate

Our previous parenting tip leads us directly to this one: communication.

Many of the bumps you will face as a single dad with daughters can be ironed out with proper communication.

Communication is a very important part of building a healthy bond between a father and a daughter. By communicating with your daughter, you will make her feel safe and relaxed.

In fact, you may be able to help her open up to you when she feels that she can talk to you and you will really listen.

Ever notice that we have 2 ears but only 1 mouth? Keep that in mind as you work on how to raise a daughter. Listen twice as much as you talk and she will keep coming back.

4. Be Involved in Her Life

We know that you are doing the job of two parents and it can be extremely tough. We know that it’s asking a lot, but this is one of those parenting tips that will yield huge results.

Your daughter’s world may be a terrifying place you don’t want to explore. But do it for her.

Learn what her favorite music or movie is and enjoy it with her. Take her shopping and get a sense of what her fashion sense is like. Learn from Donald Glover’s style and be a cool dad at the mall.

Attend her plays, dance competitions, sports events and so on. When her friends are over, be around (just don’t hang around too much). Get to know her friends and order them pizza.

As you focus on opportunities to spend time together doing what she likes, your relationship will grow.

5. Include Her in your Hobbies

This is one of those parenting tips that help her realize that it’s not all about her. Your relationship is a two-way street.

Share with her the things you love, like watching football, playing the guitar, or going fishing.

Take her with you sometimes when you go to the bowling alley or for a hike.

Sure, she may get bored after 15 minutes. That’s OK, count it as a success and then let her do her own thing.

Over time she may develop a personal interest in one or more of your hobbies. And if not, at least you will have spent time with her that she will remember when she is all grown up.

6. Teach her Things You Would Teach a Son

One of the best things you can do as a dad, regardless of if you are a single dad or not, is to teach your daughter life skills.

Show her that handymen don’t have to be men. In fact, get rid of the word handymen and say handyperson. Teach her how to fill her windshield washer fluid, plunge a toilet, how to use the fuse box and shut the water valve off.

You don’t have to force your daughter to be a master-DIY person, especially if it’s really not her thing. But self-reliance and confidence are traits that will go a long way in battling sexist notions that exist in our society.

7. Show Your Emotions

One of the best things about being a single dad is that you are her number one source of information about males.

Show her that men have emotions. Tell her you are frustrated, scared, annoyed, sad or whatever else you are feeling.

And when the family pet dies, go ahead and cry. Opening up to her now will help her look for relationships that are open and honest when she is ready to date. This is something you definitely want.

8. Don’t be Gender-Biased

Single dads with daughters have to be extra vigilant about gender bias because there is no woman in the house to correct you.

Don’t ever tell her she can’t do something because she is a girl. Inspire her with women role models who excel in traditionally male-dominated fields or activities.

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is a great anthology for you to read to your daughters at bedtime. You might learn something new too! Check out 10 books every man should read.

When you are playing dress up and being princesses or pirates or cats (start practicing your meow) make the girl the hero.

Maybe the pirate queen steals a ship and sails the seven seas. Or maybe the princess uses her incredible brain to trick the dragon into letting her free.

As you make a conscious effort to show her that gender does not define success, you will go a long way into breaking down that glass ceiling so that she can soar.

9. Get a Female Role Model

Your dating life aside, you should get a female ally that will help you navigate the rocky road of raising a girl. It can be your sister, cousin, or close friend.

A female in her life will help both you and her. This lady can help you make decisions on things such as when she is old enough for makeup, shaving, and dating.

10. In doubt? Hug her!

One of the best things to remember when wondering how to raise a daughter is to give hugs.

No, she is not too old for it. And no it is not creepy or confusing for her.

Physical touch is an important way to show love and affection. As you communicate with her in this love language, you will be setting a healthy base for all her future romantic relationships.

Last Thoughts on Parenting Tips

We hope you have found these 10 parenting tips for single dads raising girls helpful.

The fact that you are reading this post tells us that you care deeply. We suspect you are doing a darn good job already. Keep loving her and watch her blossom.

Want more fatherhood advice? Izzy web is a blog for manly things.

Author: IzzyWeb