Stun Gun vs Taser: What’s the Difference and What’s Right for You

taser gun

Driveways, parking garages, and subway stations… All these are prime locations for an attacker to strike. It can even happen when you’re walking down the street in broad daylight.

In 2017, the American population fell victim to over 1.2 million reported crimes. This included robbery, sexual assault, and other acts of physical violence.

Tools like stun guns and tasers can offer a form of self-defense, making you less of a target. They provide protection and allow you to ward off an attacker. They’re also a great alternative for those looking for a less violent and dangerous gadget than a gun.

So stun gun vs taser…which is best for you? Read on for the pros, cons, and important differences between the two.

Stun Guns and Tasers, Why Should You Carry One?

Some men may feel they don’t need any form of self-defense. Yet, people often find themselves living in a false sense of security. They feel 100% safe in their neighborhoods, office complexes, and public places.

Yet, the truth is, an attacker will often strike when your guard is down and you’re alone. 45% of attackers are also attracted to well-dressed victims, like those who wear suits.

Some men prefer hobbies and activities that relate to physical fitness and self-defense. These include martial arts, kickboxing, and weight-lifting. While others turn to self-defense tools to better protect themselves.

So, a stun gun or taser can save you in the event of a mugging, home break-in, or auto theft. Both of these options operate by delivering a shock of electricity. They work through direct contact by blocking neurons in the brain.

This makes the attacker lose control of their muscles. Those getting tasered or stunned will often fall onto the ground. They then start to shake as the electricity passes through their body.

This then gives you the opportunity to run away unharmed. Now on to what is the difference between a taser and a stun gun.

The Stun Gun

Stun guns are used for an attacker that is within close range. You must be near enough to touch them with the stun gun for it to deliver a shock. They use metal prongs that deliver a dose of high-voltage electricity.

When the stun gun is activated, you can see and hear the electricity passing between the two prongs. Sometimes the sight of this is even enough to scare off an attacker.

Stun guns come in different models with a variety of voltage strengths. These include handheld, knuckle grip, and even ones with built-in flashlights. They also make stun batons, which provide you with a bit more range of motion.

Stun guns are also safe for the victim as it is not possible for the electricity to pass back to you. This is important to know should the attacker grab you right before you stun them.

When considering a stun gun vs taser, it’s important to go with rechargeable products. This product will shoot 500 times on a single battery charge, making it a must-have gadget for any man in danger.

The Taser

This electroshock weapon is best for when the attacker is a further distance away. You can also use it in a closer range as a backup option. This could occur if the attacker gets too close to you or the taser misses its target.

A taser sends an average of 15,000 volts of electric shock towards the attacker for 30 seconds. This comes from metal prongs that shoot from the taser towards the direction of the attacker.

These prongs are attached to electrical wires that deliver the shock. The wires can shoot about 15 to 30 feet away, depending on the model.

Most tasers use red laser lights to help you find your target before shooting. This allows for better aim and a better chance at escape.

The taser prongs attach to skin or can work through most assailant’s clothing. Both prongs need to touch the attacker for the shock to activate.

Note that once the prongs make contact you’ll need to let the go of the taser. You’ll then use this time to run away and call the police.

Tasers will likely cost more than stun guns. You also need to consider replacement cartridges and battery packs for tasers.

When you go to buy a taser, you may need to pass a background check first. This involves authorities looking into your criminal history.

Stun Gun vs Taser…Which Is Best for You?

The answer to the stun gun vs. taser question all comes down to a matter of distance and what you’re comfortable with. Think about how close you are willing to let an attacker get near you.

A stun gun allows the assailant to get much closer to you. This also gives them a chance to attack before you can use the gun on them.

Yet, stun guns can be easier to use and handle. You also don’t have to practice good aim. They’re also more affordable than most tasers.

This makes them a great gift idea for friends and family who work in a city setting. They’re also ideal for someone who has to park their car in a garage and wants an added safety feature.

Neither of these self-defense tools works to kill the attacker. The purpose is only to disable them long enough for you to escape. This makes them both a less violent weapon than a gun.

You also need to look into the laws for the state you live in. Certain states have regulations about the legality of carrying these items. In certain cases, you may also need to apply for a permit.

Other Ways to Stay Safe and Protect Yourself

Choosing between a stun gun vs taser is one way to increase your own self-defense techniques. Yet, other people prefer to go through the process of obtaining an armed weapon.

Once you’ve made your decision, check out these tips on finding the best holster for your concealed weapon.

Author: IzzyWeb