Unfaithful Spouse- 5 Tell Tale Signs of a Cheating Wife

husband discovering cheating wife

Infidelity is more common than it used to be. And while men do still cheat in greater numbers than women, in recent years, women have been closing the gap.

According to a recent survey cited in Psychology Today, 10-25% of married women are unfaithful to their husband these days. 

When you suspect your wife is cheating, there’s a good chance you’re right, but you don’t want to make any accusations until you have more information to go on.

First make sure you have good reason for your suspicion.

Use these 5 signs of a cheating wife to get a better idea.

1. There’s Less Sexual and Emotional Intimacy In Your Relationship

This may be the first sign you notice, but don’t jump to conclusions yet.

Uncharacteristic changes in behavior typically mean something is wrong. First make sure there’s not more you can do to improve your sex life.

When it comes to sex and emotional support you might ask yourself if she’s getting that elsewhere. But it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s cheating.

Ask yourself: Are there other reasons she could be pulling away? What else is going on in her life that might explain it?

2. You Notice a Difference/Improvement in Her Appearance

This is another example of uncharacteristic behavior that often accompanies cheating or having the intention to. 

If she suddenly starts working out or changes her hairstyle for the first time in years, it doesn’t mean she’s necessarily cheating, but she is looking for change.

If she’s only dressing up in her new outfits when she goes out without you, that’s much more of a red flag.

3. Her Attitude Toward You has Become More Confrontational/Antagonistic 

When someone starts cheating they often try to find ways to justify it to themselves. They want to put the blame on you.

If your wife believes you’re not treating her right or appreciating her the way you used to then she can say it’s not her fault if she’s looking elsewhere. If you’re already doing what you should to make her happy, you know that’s not the case.

You might notice that she’s more critical of your appearance, the hours you spend on your hobbies or working, or behaviors that never used to bother her. 

4. She’s More Guarded With Her Phone and Other Devices

You might notice that she’s just using her phone or computer more often than she used to. It’s common for people looking for attention outside of their relationship.

Affairs often start online, but even if she’s cheating with a friend or coworker, she’ll need to keep some of her communication activity secret.

If there’s a password protecting any of her devices where there never was one in the past, that’s a big indicator that she’s hiding something from you. 

5. You Can’t Get Ahold of Her

When she’s with another man, the last thing in the world she wants is to talk to you. She’ll wait until he’s not around before returning your call in just about any situation.

You might notice unusually long periods between texts, or without getting a call back. The first few times she’ll probably make an excuse if you ask, but no one likes lying. When she starts deflecting the question that’s even more of a sign.

That’s when you might consider an infidelity test, for more information.

What to Do If You Think You Have a Cheating Wife 

Keep in mind, your wife can exhibit these or similar signs to some degree and not be cheating on you. 

Open communication is part of a healthy relationship. You might consider sharing your concerns with your wife.

Check back with us for more relationship and sex advice.


Author: IzzyWeb