The Gentleman’s New Home Checklist: Seasonal House Maintenance

home with checkmark puzzle pieces

So you’ve purchased a new home. Congrats! Are you mentally and financially prepared for all the regular maintenance that will be required?

Realistically, you should save around two percent of your home’s purchase value each year for maintenance. Steadily building up such a fund will prevent unexpected issues from draining your budget. 

Looking for a go-to list that you can follow to ensure your home is prepared for the changing seasons? Want to be able to tackle small problems before they escalate?

Keep reading below for a comprehensive new home checklist covering every season!


There are a few key chores any homeowner should keep up with during the warmer months. Mowing and watering the lawn on a regular basis will keep it healthy and vibrant.

Check your insulation. This can help you find areas where cool air is leaking out. Leaks will lead to expensive electricity bills.

Inspect kitchen exhaust fans and appliances for leaks; check the garage door opening mechanisms too. The summer is also a good time to do tile work and reseal grout lines.


Fall in many regions is a great time to do some of your larger maintenance projects. Seal gaps in windows and doors, and inspect your roof for any damaged shingles.

Early fall is also a great time to paint. This will ensure your house has a fresh coat before the harsher weather of winter. There are many house painting services available if the thought of ladders scares you.

In addition to these projects, be sure to keep leaves raked during the fall. And don’t forget to check your smoke alarms!

Winter New Home Checklist

Winter is hard on homes. In the northern hemisphere, chilly temperatures and the possibility of snow can cause chaos.

Always cover AC units and check basements for leaks whenever a thaw occurs.

As the snow melts and refreezes, check gutters to any blockages. When temperatures drop below freezing, consider opening cabinets to let your heat keep pipes warm. Letting pipes slowly drip will help you avoid frozen pipes.

A fireplace during the winter is cozy and appealing, but it can also create dangerous hazards. Inspect every element before using it for the first time. If you have a wood burning fireplace, only use quality dry wood.


After the chilly winter has passed, spring is the time to breathe life back into your home and yard.

Once temperatures are consistently warm, you can seed your lawn. Planting flowers is also the perfect thing to do in the spring.

In anticipation of using your outdoor spaces during summer, inspect any deck or patio. Check for any structural damages that could lead to safety issues.

Test your smoke alarms around the time you turn your clocks back for daylight savings time too.

A Well-Maintained Home Is a Happy Home

With this new home checklist, you’re ready to tackle every season.

Looking for even more information about house maintenance? Check out this guide to painting a room your children will love!

Author: IzzyWeb