Does Life Get Better? How to Get Sober and the Benefits of Being Sober

Benefits of Being Sober

In 2018, more than 14 million adults in the US had Alcohol Use Disorder. This is the medical name for severe problem drinking. 

Factor in drugs and the number of people who suffer from addiction grows even larger.

But does life get better if you’re sober? Is it really worth the struggle?

Read on to learn why being sober makes life so much better, and how to get there.

The Benefits of Being Sober

Getting sober is hard. During the journey, you may find yourself questioning whether it’s worth all the effort. Here are some key reasons why it really is.


By living a sober life you vastly reduce the risk of health conditions that are associated with addiction. 

Misusing drugs and alcohol can increase your risk of a wide number of health conditions, some of which can be fatal, such as heart disease. Not only that, but addiction can play havoc with your immune system, making you more susceptible to picking up diseases.


Addiction doesn’t just damage your body. It also harms your relationships. Those that love you want to give you support, but your addiction can make it hard, no matter how good their intentions.

Get sober and those relationships will flourish.

Self Image

No one who has an addiction feels good about themselves. By getting sober, you can start to rebuild your self-image. You’ll realize you are still a person who is worth something.


Think about how much you spend on your addiction. Now imagine you had all that money to spend on other things. Getting sober can have a huge impact on your finances.

How to Get Sober

Now you know the benefits, how do you go about it?

There are many ways to get sober. The key factors are usually the same, however.

Make the Decision

The most important step is to make the decision to get sober. Every journey begins with a single step. Until you take it, you won’t get anywhere.

Seek Help

Getting sober is hard. You’re going to need help.

There are plenty of treatment centers available that can help you on your path to sobriety. Trying to go it alone is possible, but you’re far more likely to succeed with help.

Find Support

It’s also good to have support outside of your healthcare setting. 

Any friends or family who can help you can make a huge difference. If you don’t have anyone, then organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous can help you find the support you need from people who understand exactly what you’re going through.

Does Life Get Better When You’re Sober? Yes, It Does!

We hope that this article has helped you answer the question. Does life get better when you’re sober? Yes, and in so many ways.

If you’re ready to make that change in your life, then you’ve already made the first step on your journey. We wish you luck.

For more great content, be sure to check out the rest of the site.

Author: IzzyWeb