8 Outstanding Mental Heath Tips That Will Make You a Better Man

man smiling

Research shows that only 52% of men say it’s very important to deal with stress when compared to 68% of women.

Men and women handle stress differently, and men are less likely to prioritize dealing with stress. Men are also more likely to shut down their feelings when feeling overwhelmed. This may be due to gender stereotypes and societal expectations.

However, built up stress can lead to serious issues such as anxiety, depression, stroke, and heart attacks. 

If you’re feeling stressed, you need to pay attention to your mental health and take care of yourself.

Want to learn more? Keep reading for 8 good mental health tips to implement in your life. 

1. Give Yourself Time Each Morning

Every morning, we wake up and rush right into our daily routine. Get dressed, breakfast and coffee to go, and off to work. The grind continues day after day.

Give yourself more time in the morning and set your alarm 15 minutes earlier. Take those extra minutes to enjoy your morning.

Brew some coffee and enjoy the first-morning sip. Make a to-do list.

Write down your goals for the day. You can even try finding meaning in life in those early morning moments. By taking those few extra minutes every day, you’re setting a precedent for the rest of your day. 

2. Set a Bedtime Ritual

In addition to starting your day off right, you should have a routine before going to bed.

It may be comforting most nights to lay in bed and browse Instagram and Snapchat mindlessly before going to sleep. However, studies show that evening screen time can wreak havoc on our sleep schedules.

Browsing your phone or laptop two hours before going to bed can mess up your sleep and leave you tired in the morning. This is because the blue light that screens emit affects melatonin levels.

Instead of being in front of a screen, create a new, relaxing bedtime ritual. Read a book, plan out your day for tomorrow, or spend time with your family. You’d be surprised at how much time you take back when you cut down on screen time.

3. Exercise

It’s recommended that we get about 30 minutes of physical activity a day. We also need strength training workouts at least twice a week. 

Instead of lounging around on the couch after work, hit the gym. Your mental health will thank you for it. In fact, research shows that regular exercise can treat mild to moderate depression just as much as antidepressants can. 

4. Eat the Right Foods

Another way to take care of your mental health is to eat the right foods. You’ll feel better physically and mentally if you’re eating right. 

One easy way to eat healthily is to bring your own lunch to work. Instead of eating out every day, pack a lunch full of whole grains, protein, fruit, and veggies. 

You should also limit alcohol. Consuming too much alcohol is associated with poor mental health. 

Some people drink a lot of alcohol as a temporary way of dealing with stress. It alters your mood and makes you feel better. However, this becomes a form of self-medicating rather than dealing with the source of stress.  

5. Practice Mindfulness 

Do you feel like you have overwhelming thoughts constantly battling for attention in your head? You can try mindfulness meditation which can help you deal with stressful thoughts.

Mindfulness meditation can help you become fully present at the moment. You focus on what is happening, where you are, and what you’re doing.

Through mindfulness, you learn to recognize stressful thoughts and anxieties in your head, and you acknowledge them. However, you don’t allow stressful thoughts to affect your present moment. 

Mindfulness is not something that can be achieved instantly. It’s something that you need to constantly practice.

You can look into mindfulness meditation and start by doing a short, 5-minute practice every day. You can include it in your morning routine or before you go to bed. 

6. Surround Yourself With Loved Ones

Has it been a while since you’ve gotten together with friends? Is most of your social contact through texting?

When we’re alone, it’s easier to allow our thoughts to spiral. We think about all the bad things that can happen.

What if you don’t get that promotion? Did I forget to do an oil change?

It helps to surround yourself with the people you love. Sometimes you need a different perspective to help banish anxious thoughts. You need your friends to make jokes with or your special someone to make you smile. 

Take some time to plan a lunch with your friend this week. Plan a date out with your girlfriend. You can even go visit your mother and enjoy a home-cooked meal. 

7. Take a Walk

Another tip for good mental health is to take a short walk to clear your head. You can take a walk during lunchtime at work. 

We need breaks to be able to recharge. If a short walk isn’t cutting it, how about a vacation?

You don’t need to spend a lot of money or go far. Take a road trip with your friends or a weekend getaway with your girlfriend.

8. Seek Help if You Need It

Sometimes, you try many things but you’re still feeling down. You can hardly get out of bed or be present in your daily routine. This may signal that you need professional help.

Don’t let the stigma of mental health discourage you from getting help. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional.

Final Thoughts on Good Mental Health

Men need self-care too. Taking care of your mental health is important to living a happy and productive life. By following the above good mental health tips, you’re looking out for yourself and becoming a better man. 

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Author: IzzyWeb