5 Essential Marijuana Growing Tips for Your Man Cave Stash

marijuana growing tips

So, you want to be a weed grower? Well, you’ll be needing some marijuana growing tips! We’ve got all the insider details to help your weed plant flourish.

There’s no man that can’t follow these easy steps. Get your bongs and pipes ready for a wild adventure. Here are the five essential marijuana growing tips for your man cave stash!

1. Plenty of Sunlight

A weed plant is one of the coolest plants a man could have. It’s important to know the in’s and out’s of taking care of it. Place your plant outside in the sunlight where it can soak up Vitamin D!

In truth, growing the best weed is about exposing your plant to the sun for photosynthesis. Sunlight is what gives your plant energy to grow. Without proper sunlight, your plant will starve.

It’s also important to consider seasons and what temperature it is outside.

2. Temperature: One of the Most Overlooked Marijuana Growing Tips

Many don’t consider that temperature and humidity play a huge role in the health of your plant. The best weed growers tips will always mention temperature. If the sun is out, but the temperature outside is in the negatives, keep your plant inside.

Set your pot of pot next to a window with copious amounts of sunlight. You’ll be protecting it from the cold, but still giving it the energy it needs to survive.

3. Balance Water

You don’t want to over water your plant as this could drown it. Give enough water that the soil is wet, but not seeping out of the pot. If your plant is in the ground, then water until the ground appears well wet.

Don’t water until the water has lifted the soil. When the soil is running or taking too long to soak into the ground, you’ve given too much water. Also, be mindful of watering the leaves of the plant.

The leaves are a great entry point for water to travel through the plant!

4. Pruning and Leaf Care

Speaking of leaves, you’ll want to cut off any dead leaves. Though, be extra careful not to nip any healthy parts of your plant. Cutting or nipping the wrong place could spell disaster!

Trimming off dead bits will keep your plants alive. It works to maintain a healthy transfer of nutrients throughout the roots and leaves. Cutting a healthy branch could damage the natural structure of the plant.

If it’s too deep or severed, it could kill the nutrient flow.

5. Consistency of Care

No plant can grow big, healthy, and strong without consistent TLC. If you work full-time, but forget to water your plant, it’ll die. Likewise, you’ll have to remember to add fertilizer or new soil if the dirt is dry.

Consider your plant and what it needs. Be on top of the game! You can:

  • Make a schedule
  • Buy a calendar
  • Set your alarm on your phone

Try your best to remember when you’ve given water, or changed the soil. A quick-and-easy fertilizer is coffee grounds. You might want to check out more expert tips from this site.

It provides more information on growing, and the importance of choosing authentic seeds.

Want More?

There’s no question about it; marijuana growing tips are easy to follow. Want more easy tips and tricks for men? Our man stuff is all about and for men.

Growing weed not on your list of interests? No worries, we’ve got five ways to make money right away!

Author: IzzyWeb