Put on a Glove: A Gentleman’s Guide to Deep House Cleaning

deep house cleaning

A plush bachelor pad comes with many perks-privacy, extra space, and cheap energy bills. The downside is you have to maintain all that space by yourself.

You can in no ways impress a new flame if your home resembles an animal pen and reaks like a gym.

The modern-day bachelor cares how his living space looks. In fact, the average man spends about 1 hour, 25 minutes doing household activities. Most of those activities involve cleaning.

The way you keep or don’t keep your pad says a lot about you as a person. Don’t send the wrong message.

Whether you have a love interest or not, keep reading. Here we spill the tea with this gentleman’s guide to deep house cleaning.

Formulate a Game Plan

Approach cleaning just like you do preparing for work every day. Set up beforehand and prepare a routine.

Formulate a game plan that entails where you start and end. Decide which room to clean first, and be mindful of how much time you want to spend cleaning it. Since this is a deep cleaning job, you may want to set aside a full day to clean.

If you can’t do it all in one day, break it up into two days, starting from the front of the house. That’s what people see first. Throw the bathroom in for safety measures. You don’t want a guest to drop by and use a dirty bathroom.

Then, make your way to the back, finishing up with a light retouch of the front. Design a cleaning strategy and stick with it, making adjustments as needed.


The toughest part of deep cleaning is organizing clutter that’s gone awry. Declutter first, sorting through important stuff and throwing nonessentials away.

Put things in their proper place, but be sure to clean those areas first. You don’t want to have an organized, but dirty room.

Go room to room clearing off tables, counters, beds, and closets. Remove the pillows from the couch to clear any clutter hiding underneath them. Sometimes things like change, paper, and even clothing get caught behind the pillows unawares.

Do Some Deep House Cleaning

Gather all of your cleaning supplies-broom, mop, and safe, professional cleaners. Be prepared to use elbow grease, especially in the kitchen and the bathroom.

Those are sometimes the number one places where mold, mildew, and filth grow. If you find you have this issue, you might need to hire a professional for that part.  Some over-the-counter cleaners don’t dig deep enough to tackle the infestation. In the case, look into mold remediation.

For everything else, prepare to scrub and sweat. Pull out appliances and clean behind them.

Check commonly overlooked areas like the floor of the pantry and closets. Flip and beat mattresses. Turn off ceiling fans and clean them, because most allergens circulate around homes because of dusty fans.

Last but not least, look up and clean up. Check the corners of the ceiling for dust bundles. Sweep and wipe down air conditioning vents.

Put on a Glove and Go

Deep house cleaning means taking maintenance of the bachelor pad to the next level. You aren’t just decluttering, you’re making the whole living space sanitary.

Assess your space, devise a plan to tackle every room, and clean. Remember to enlist the help of a professional for things out of your control.

Check out our Man-Stuff for more gentleman tips and life hacks.

Author: IzzyWeb