4 Essential Tools All Men Should Have in Their Toolbox

essential tools

Have you ever watched a home improvement show and go “I can do that!”?

Well, you’re not alone. 55% of homeowners in the US try the DIY route first before calling a professional. And it’s easy to see why.

Maintenance and repairs can be expensive. And not every home improvement project needs a pro at the helm, especially for simple home repairs.

Of course, even the simplest home repairs will be hard to do if you don’t have the right tools on hand. Here, we’ll talk about the 4 essential tools you need to keep your home in tip-top shape.

1. Pliers

There are different types of pliers to choose from. But needlenose pliers are the most common type and one you’ll use frequently around the house.

What makes them awesome is how they can fit even in the most cramped spaces. You can use them to cut and bend wires or virtually anything that needs gripping, clamping, and snipping.

Bonus: You or your partner can use them for jewelry-making. After all, as we’ve said before, jewelry isn’t just for women.

2. Hammer

You can’t have a list of must-have tools without a hammer. And yes, like pliers, there are different types such as drilling hammers, woodworking hammers, and sledgehammers.

For your toolbox though, a medium weight claw hammer is a good investment. You can use it for hanging frames, pulling nails from wood, building a tree house, and so on.

3. Cordless Drill

You can argue that a screwdriver is a better choice for tools every man should have. But if we’re talking about the best tools to own, we’ll take a cordless drill over a screwdriver any time.

Not only is it convenient to use since it’s battery-operated. It’s also a time-saver. Plus, with a cordless drill, you don’t need to buy a hole saw, which is tricky to use.

4. Shovel

Okay, so a shovel may be too big to fit in your regular-sized toolbox. But it’s still one of the tools every man needs to have in the house.

You’ll need it for lifting dirt, gravel, snow, etc. It’s also useful for gardening tasks such as digging holes and breaking up clumps of soil.

Of course, if you’re serious about lawn care and maintenance, you should invest in other gardening must-haves such as pruning shears and Wetland Tools.

Already Own These 4 Essential Tools?

Now comes the fun part – shopping for more essential tools. Yes, you need more such as wrenches, utility knives, levels, nails, and so on.

Just remember, if you’re new to DIY home improvement, it’s best to take on simple projects you can complete in no time. Leave the super-heavy stuff to the pros or you may end up spending more on repairs.

For home improvement ideas, don’t forget to check out How to Build a Man Cave That’s the Envy of All Your Friends and DIY Man Cave Ideas That’ll Turn Your Space into Man-Central.

You can also browse around the site for more man stuff, grooming tips, fatherhood advice, relationship, and sex advice.

Author: IzzyWeb