Stress Relief for Men: 9 Surprising Solutions That All Men Should Know

stress relief for men

Are you stressed out?

We all accept stress as a part of our lives. But the reasons why we feel stressed differ from person to person.

Maybe you’re going through a divorce. Perhaps you just lost your job. You could also be like 63% of Americans who are stressed about the state of our nation.

While stress is normal, not dealing with it can lead to serious health problems. That’s why stress relief for men is so important.

How men reduce stress can a little different than how women do it. Keep reading because we’ve compiled nine stress relievers for guys.

1. Exercise Is a Great Stress Relief for Men

The great part about exercise is that there are options for every preference and skill level. If you’re just beginning, try walking as your form of exercise.

You can also swim, hike, ski, or join a sports league. If you need extra support, enlist family and friends to join you in sports activities.

You can also hire a coach to help keep you motivated. Exercise will help you lose weight and get in shape. Your body will look and feel better.

But don’t forget that exercise produces endorphins which means you’ll find you mentally feel stronger as well. Eating healthy in addition to exercise will also help you feel physically and emotionally better.

2. Meditation

Meditation is a great stress reliever for guys. That’s because you can meditate anywhere.

If you’re stuck in traffic and feeling anxious, try going to a happy place to help you relieve your stress. Get up 10 minutes earlier and start your day by meditating.

There are great health benefits to meditating. And you can’t really do it wrong. All it takes is the willingness to learn how to meditate and some practice.

3. Smoking Weed

Science is now beginning to understand how many benefits medical marijuana has on the body. It can help alleviate symptoms associated with HIV, PTSD, cancer, and seizures. Marijuana is also known to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Over 30 states have legalized medical marijuana to some degree. Make sure you fully understand the laws in your state regarding marijuana. To find out where your closest dispensary is, read more here.

4. Playing Games

In a recent survey involving 1,000 gamers, 55% of them said they played video games because it helped them alleviate stress. Many of them said it positively impacted their lives spent away from the screen.

But video games aren’t the only way to reduce stress. Playing board games with friends or family is also a great way to unwind and reduce stress.

5. Time Spent with Friends

While spending time with friends isn’t usually considered manly stress relief, it actually is. It turns out, most men would actually prefer to speak to their buddies than anyone else when they’re dealing with mental health issues.

This is great news because problems get worse when you keep them in. By sharing your problems with someone else, things begin to get better. All of a sudden, you’re not baring the weight of the world all by yourself.

Since suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45, it’s important for you to keep your mental health in check. There is no shame in talking about problems. Reach out if you need help.

6. Deal with the Problem

When a problem comes along, it can be tempting to want to hide from it and hope it will go away. Unfortunately, the more you hide from your problems, the worse they become.

It’s like spotting a leak in your roof and hoping over time it will somehow fix itself. It won’t, and sooner or later, your roof will cave in, forcing you to deal with it.

Life sometimes throws you horrible curve balls. The more quickly you deal with the issue, the sooner you can get back to your life and the less stressed you’ll feel.

Sometimes, the best way to deal with an issue is to just tackle it head-on.

7. Explore Your Creative Side

Women aren’t the only ones who can benefit greatly from getting creative as a way to reduce stress. And there are tons of ways to use your creativity.

Arts and crafts are great ways to express yourself. Join a painting or pottery class and work your issues out on the clay or canvas.

Learn how to work with wood. You could make anything from a birdhouse to furniture.

Even learning how to cook is a great way to use your creativity while picking up a skill. There are tons of crafts that you could turn into a fun and rewarding hobby.

8. Talk to a Therapist

There are times when talking to your friends or family isn’t enough. Sometimes, the problems are your friends and family and you’re not sure how to handle a situation.

Other times, you just might not feel better after you speak with them. A trained therapist can help you get to the root of your problem.

They can also teach you coping skills and tools to help reduce your anxiety. And, if you need it, a licensed therapist can prescribe you medication if nothing else seems to be working.

9. Let It Go

We all pick up things as we move through life. The problem begins when we don’t part ways with the things that we no longer use, like, or need.

Clutter, whether it’s the wrong friends, junk around the home, or bad thoughts in our heads, cause anxiety and depression. Take a look at what and who you’ve surrounded yourself with in life.

Let go of anything that leaves you feeling guilty, shameful, or in fear. Keep the people, activities, and things that make you feel happy, joyful, and peaceful.

The more you let go of what doesn’t serve you, the more space you have in your life for things that give your life a deeper sense of purpose.

Keep Learning to Reduce Stress

The problem with these stress relief for men solutions is that many men are brought up believing they have to handle it all on their own. Many men feel they are alone in their thoughts and feelings.

You’re not alone. Many other men think and feel the same way you do. Keep learning, because as you do, you’ll realize more that you aren’t alone and others have already gone through the same things.

Find places and people who make you feel less alone. And keep coming back to read our latest tips to help you get through life easier.

Author: IzzyWeb