Use These Teeth Whitening Tips for a Healthier and Brighter Smile

Teeth Whitening Visualized

Did you know that whitening your teeth could get you a date or that job you’ve always wanted? Research has shown that employers are more likely to hire you if you have a white smile and women are more likely to notice you. 

However, if you’re used to drinking a few cups of coffee a day or you like a glass of red wine with your evening meal, it could be more difficult than you think to keep your teeth white. Here are a few teeth whitening tips that could help.

1. Change Your Toothbrush

We’re all guilty of keeping our toothbrush for longer than we really should. Most toothbrushes need to be changed every six months in order to get the best out of them. 

If the bristles on your toothbrush start to bend sooner than that, it’s a good indication that you need a new toothbrush. A soft-bristled toothbrush is much gentler on your teeth and gums but it’s always wise to ask your dentist what he recommends for you.

2. Don’t Forget Mouthwash

You’re probably used to brushing and flossing on a daily basis but many people tend to forget about using mouthwash too. Using mouthwash is like putting the final nail in bacteria’s coffin. 

Not only is it a great way to make sure bacteria is washed from your mouth and protect your teeth but it also leaves your breath fresh. If you want to whiten your teeth at the same time, look for mouthwash that contains hydrogen peroxide.

3. Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Did you know that eating raw fruits and vegetables is almost like brushing your teeth all over again? Crunchy foods like apples, carrots, and nuts are great at stripping your teeth of plaque and bacteria build-up. 

In addition, these raw fruits and vegetables are great for your health. If you’re worried about the sugar content in fruit, drink water at the same time to eliminate the possibility of a sugar build-up.

4. Avoid Acidic Foods

Acidic foods and drinks are the worst for causing harm to your teeth and gums. The acid begins to attack the enamel on your teeth and after a while, it will begin to erode. Avoid foods like oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits, along with fruit juices.

If you do have a soft spot for these foods and drinks, it’s important to rinse your mouth out after each time you eat or drink them.

5. Whitening Toothpaste

You can purchase whitening toothpaste on any supermarket shelf. Look for one that’s been approved by the American Dental Association. Most whitening toothpaste contains hydrogen peroxide but the agent is usually very mild.

However, you should be aware that whitening toothpaste doesn’t usually have immediate effects. If anything, it prevents further discoloring, rather than making your teeth appear whiter.

6. Whitening Gum

Whitening gum is ideal for anyone on a busy schedule. Just pop a piece of gum in your mouth after each meal or snack and you don’t have to worry about anything else. Chewing gum produces saliva and saliva helps to clean your teeth throughout the day.

That being said, the more saliva you produce, the better for your teeth. Whitening gums often contain sodium hexametaphosphate. This prevents stains from occurring on your teeth and reduces any existing stains.

7. At-Home Teeth Whitening

You’ve probably come across a lot of homemade concoctions that claim to be teeth whitening on a budget. The problem is if you’re not sure of the exact measurements or you just throw something together with nothing but hope on your side, you could do more damage than good.

It’s especially unsafe to use hydrogen peroxide in a homemade teeth whitening mix if you don’t know what you’re doing. You may cause a long-term problem that you weren’t intending on.

8. Professional Teeth Whitening

The best way to get your teeth whitened to schedule an appointment with a professional. Periodontal therapy is the perfect way to ensure you get the smile that you want. Your dentist will be able to assess your teeth and recommend the best treatment to gradually lighten the enamel.

He’ll also be able to advise you on how far to go with your teeth whitening. Going from stained to bright white can come as quite a shock, so it’s often better to whiten your teeth in stages.

You’ll also have peace of mind knowing that your teeth are in the hands of a professional and no damage can be caused.

9. Teeth Whitening Systems

Purchasing a teeth whitening system is much safer than trying to make a homemade paste. These systems have been created by industry professionals for you to whiten your teeth at your own convenience. 

Most systems involve wearing a mouthguard filled with a whitening paste at home or whitening strips you can place on your teeth. Both require you to wait a certain period of time before removing them.

However, these systems are not flawless and many people find they don’t get the results they were hoping for.

Teeth Whitening Tips That Work

These teeth whitening tips are all tried and tested methods that work, depending on the result you want to see. It’s always important to consult your dentist before using any teeth whitening product and get your teeth and gums regularly checked.

As we get older, our teeth become more susceptible to damage so take a look at more of our top tips for keeping your teeth clean and healthy.

Author: IzzyWeb