Party Foul: How to Prevent Drunk Driving

alcoholic drink, tipped over car, and shattered glass

Every 50 minutes, someone dies in a car accident involving alcohol in the United States. Despite the copious warnings and public service announcements, people still drive drunk on a regular basis.

In this article, we’ll go over how to prevent drunk driving if you’re with a friend or family member who insists on driving while impaired.

We’ll also discuss what you can do if you believe someone you love has a problem with substances.

If you want to help prevent more drunk driving tragedies, read on for more.

How to Prevent Drunk Driving in the Moment: Call Your Friend a Taxi

If you’re out with a friend who has had a few too many to drink, yet they insist on driving, tell them you’re calling them a taxi. If necessary, pay for the taxi yourself so that they don’t to try to do it themselves once they get to their destination.

Even if your friend complains or tries to justify why they have to drive home, let them know that you’re fine with helping them collect their car the next day, or that you’ll drive their car to a safe location.

Offer Friends a Place to Stay

If you want to have people over to have fun and drink, or drink in a bar near you, offer friends or family members a place to stay. If you have a spare room, let them know they’re welcome to stay there that night so that they don’t leave with alcohol in their system.

This way, you can make sure your friend or family member is accounted for at all times.

And if you offer them a place to stay, you won’t feel quite as punitive as telling them that they’ve had too much to drink and can’t drive home. This way, being safe is always planned.

Have a Designated Driver When You Go out Together

If you and your friends often go out as a group, alternate between different designated drivers.

For the uninitiated, a designated driver is an individual who chooses not to drink or cuts themselves off after one or two drinks. This person will them be responsible for driving everyone home and ensuring everyone reaches their destination safely that night.

What to Do If You Think a Friend Has a Problem

If you’re worried about your friend’s dependence on alcohol or other drugs, you should have a serious conversation with them. Let them know that you’ve seen their behavior and are seriously concerned that they may be dependent on these drugs or alcohol to get through their day.

Together, the pair of you can work out a solution to help them lessen their dependence on substances.

If a simple talk with them doesn’t work, you may have to take more drastic approaches, such as holding an intervention with their family members.

Keeping Everyone Safe

Figuring out how to prevent drunk driving includes being firm with your friends. While they may not appreciate you in the moment, they’ll thank you once they’ve sobered up and realized you’re only acting out of compassion for them and others on the road.

Click here for more about the effects drugs can have on you. 

Author: IzzyWeb