Macho Plants: 10 Of The Coolest Indoor Plants For Dudes

coolest indoor house plants

In 2015, 36 million US households had some kind of plant in their home.

Houseplants are popular, but as a man, you may be worried about the impact owning a houseplant will have on your masculine charm. Not to mention your total inability to be able to keep one alive.

The good news is there are plenty of houseplants out there that are both manly and easy to look after — just like you. Read on as we take a look at some of the coolest indoor plants a man can own.

1. Iron Plant

Is there anything manlier than iron?

The Iron Plant is great for two reasons. Firstly, it sounds cool as all hell. And secondly, it’s called an iron plant because it’s pretty much impossible to kill. At least by accident.

It can survive in low-quality soil, responds fine to being kept in the darkness a lot of the time, and doesn’t need much watering at all. It’s almost the ideal plant for any man cave. And if cleaning isn’t your thing, it’s even tolerant of dusty conditions.

If you can’t keep this plant alive, you’re doing something seriously wrong.

2. Yukka Plant

The Yukka Plant may not have quite as cool a name, but it’s still a great plant if you’re looking for something low maintenance.

An inch of water a week should be enough to keep a Yukka Plant going. And if you forget to water them for a week, or a month, the chances are they’ll still be going strong when you finally do remember.

Even the soil doesn’t matter. Whether it’s acid or alkali, your Yukka will do fine. If only everything in life were so easy to look after.

3. Agave Plant

The Agave Plant doesn’t sound that manly as it’s the source of a delicious sweetener. But as every true man knows, it’s also the plant from which Tequila is made. And there’s nothing manlier than Tequila, right?

You’re unlikely to actually turn your plant into a potent liquor, but it’s nice to know you could. Watering once a week should be enough to keep your Agave in good health, and it needs a bit more sunlight than some of the other plants in our list, but it’s still pretty forgiving.

4. Snake Plant

Inviting someone up to see your snake isn’t the best pick up line. Unless that is, you’re talking about your Snake Plant.

It’s another plant that doesn’t need a lot of water or sunlight, so it’s easy to keep it alive. And the beauty of the Snake Plant is it can actually help to clean the air in your home.

According to the NASA Clean Air Study, Snake Plants can help reduce the occurrence of chemicals such as benzene and formaldehyde in the air. A plant that sounds cool and removes harmful chemicals? What’s not to love?

5. ZZ Plant

Sadly, this plant doesn’t come with a huge frizzy beard. But it’s still one hell of a cool plant.

It doesn’t grow too big and has shiny leaves which will have your guests asking if it’s real. You can then impress them with your in-depth knowledge of all things ZZ.

It’s another great plant for those lazy men amongst us. You’re more likely to kill it by watering it too often than too little.

If you notice the soil is dry, top it up a bit. Otherwise, it will keep on keeping on.

6. Spider Plant

Another plant with a pretty cool name. And if you have a manly fear of spiders, don’t worry.

It’s not going to be attracting hordes of arachnids to your bachelor pad. The name comes from the profusion of narrow leaves making it look a bit like a spider.

Unlike a real spider, this plant is very hard to kill. Like with the ZZ Plant, wait until the soil has completely dried out before you even think about watering it again.

7. Cactus

Is there anything more manly than a plant that can fight back? There is a wide variety of cactus species to choose from, but the basic premise is the same. They will live pretty much forever with the most minimal of watering, and they have lovely little spikes as any true man plant should.

If you’re worried about getting a plant covered in spikes home from the store, you can always have your indoor plants delivered. Learn more about that here.

8. Rubber Tree

Money doesn’t grow on trees and neither do… well, you get the idea. And whilst this miniature tree won’t save you a fortune at the drug store, it will provide you with a seriously cool talking piece.

The dark, waxy leaves ooze manliness, and whilst it needs a bit more watering than some of the other plants on our list, once a week is more than enough. After all, why only have a tree inside your house at Christmas?

9. Money Tree

Wait, what? Money does grow on trees?

Sadly not. But it’s still pretty cool to say you own your own money tree, right?

The trunk grows like a hair braid which doesn’t sound manly but looks awesome. While some of them can grow a bit large, they’re perfect for growing indoors as they do really well in fluorescent lighting.

10. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Ok, so this isn’t the manliest name. But these plants are hot right now.

If you see a plant on social media, it’s probably a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Keeping up with plant fashions does pose a few problems, however; this plant is the hardest to keep alive on our list. But with a little care and attention, you too can be part of the Fiddle Leaf Fig phenomenon.

You’ve Got the Coolest Indoor Plants for Men. What Next?

Once you’ve got the coolest indoor plants a man can buy, what’s the next step on your journey through manhood?

We’ve got tons of great articles specifically about man stuff to help you make that journey. There’s also content on a whole host of man related issues, including personal grooming, fatherhood, relationships, and sex advice.

Take a look through our site and get more great advice on all things manly.

Author: IzzyWeb