Top Ten Practical Ways Men Can Use Encrypted Digital Currency

advantages of cryptocurrency

71% of cryptocurrency investors are men and many of them, through timely investments, have found ways to leverage currencies like BitCoin to become millionaires.

While many men out there know that cryptocurrency is a great tool for making money via trading, few men are aware that cryptocurrency uses go well beyond just investing.

Therein lies the purpose of this article.

Our team at IzzyWeb is looking to demystify cryptocurrency and help men like you understand that owning tender like BitCoin can help make your life easier in a ton of different ways. Below are key advantages of cryptocurrency you can enjoy today!

1. Investing

The most popular way to use cryptocurrency is to invest with it. Cryptocurrency has grown tremendously in value since its initial inception.

As the bulk of that growth took place, many people made timely investments which generated tremendous wealth.

While cryptocurrency’s rapid growth days may be behind it, that’s not to say that investing in the currency still isn’t a solid idea. Do your research and find good tools like crypto trading bot to start making your fortune now!

2. Going Green

One of the key advantages of cryptocurrency is the profound effect it has on the environment. With digital currency, there’s no need to manufacture coins or mint paper money.

That means fewer resources are used and the environment doesn’t suffer the same way it does when it’s being exhausted to produce endless amounts of banknotes.

3. Traveling The World

More countries are accepting BitCoin as a form of payment every year. As a matter of fact, some airlines even accept BitCoin now when purchasing tickets.

As BitCoin becomes more commonplace internationally, it could be that the currency begins to serve as the new standard for international trading of goods and services.

4. Furthering Your Education

More schools around the world are now accepting cryptocurrencies as a means of paying down college educations. This trend is particularly common in parts of Europe but it’s also picking up steam in the United States.

In addition to that, many students in the USA have begun investing excess financial aid money in cryptocurrency to help them pay back costly loans. While this strategy is risky and may be in violation of the terms around aid dollars, some students have found success investing.

5. Shopping Online

Popular shopping platforms like eBay are working to start accepting cryptocurrency as a means of payment. As soon as they do, linking up your BitCoin wallet to your favorite eCommerce site could make your checkout process easier and give you more ways to integrate cryptocurrency into your everyday life.

6. Gambling

Cryptocurrency has been a hit among high-risk businesses like gambling.

In some areas, local laws prohibit people from using “real money” when playing casino games online. Many of these laws, however, are loosely written and cryptocurrency has managed to sidestep legislation.

That means, if you reside in a territory that prohibits online gambling, with cryptocurrency, you may be able to legally play.

7. Hiding Assets

If you’re being sued or are in the midst of a divorce hearing, courts will check your liquid assets and investments to determine how much of your money you may end up losing during proceedings.

A way that many people have tried to shield their assets is by moving them into cryptocurrency accounts. Given that cryptocurrencies aren’t well understood in legal jurisdictions, this strategy has been leveraged successfully in some cases.

As cryptocurrency becomes more widespread though, people who are hoping to shield their assets behind its obscurity may find themselves disappointed by their inability to do so.

8. Giving

Many charities are beginning to take cryptocurrency online as a means of donation. Some are even seeing millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency donations pour into their organizations as a result of their openness.

As more people get rich through cryptocurrency ownership and those people look to donate in order to avoid tax penalties, you’ll start to see more charities opening their doors to cryptocurrency donations.

9. Fighting Charity Fraud

Charities are no stranger to their donors feeling as though money is being misused. At the end of the day though, things like cash donations are very hard to track which allows bad actors inside of organizations to get away with misusing donated money.

To re-earn donor’s trust, charities have started accepting and converting their donations to cryptocurrency. That’s because the blockchain (the central registry for cryptocurrency transactions) tracks every transaction that takes place.

The “paper trail” that comes with tender like BitCoin is one of the key advantages of cryptocurrency.

10. Keeping Businesses Honest

Businesses are progressively using cryptocurrency for the same reasons that charities are… To prevent fraud.

Given the paper trail blockchain offers when using cryptocurrency, business’ can now assure investors that funds are always being used for the correct reasons and can instill confidence during future funding asks.

Wrapping Up Advantages of Cryptocurrency: 10 Ways Men Can Use Digital Currency

Whether it’s keeping your business transparent or doing shopping online, the advantages of cryptocurrency are virtually endless when it comes to making your life easier.

Next time you convert some of your hard earned cash to cryptocurrency, don’t just park your money in hopes of flipping it for a profit. Start putting your cryptocurrency to work by integrating it into your everyday life!

Want to dig into more of the best information you can find online that’s 100% focused on making men’s lives better? If so, check out more of our expert-created content on IzzyWeb today!

Author: IzzyWeb