9 Unsexy and Annoying Male Habits That Are Driving Away the Ladies

annoying habits

Are you confused why you can’t land or keep a girlfriend? You could be doing something right now that repels women without even knowing it.

It’s not your intention to irritate or gross out the opposite sex. Unfortunately, many men have bad habits that women hate.

If you don’t fix your bad habits, your dating outlook isn’t very bright. Change your future and land the girl of your dreams by getting rid of these 9 annoying habits!

1. Being Arrogant

We all know that confidence is sexy. There’s something very appealing about a woman who knows what she wants.

The same goes for men; women love a man who goes after what he wants.

But, there’s a fine line between having confidence and being cocky. The second you cross into cocky territory, it’s game over. Ask your friends, especially female friends, how you come off in conversation.

Are you too forward? Do you talk about yourself too much? Finding out how women perceive you is the first step to becoming more attractive to them.

2. Smoking

Although millions of men smoke cigarettes, it’s not an attractive quality. We all know how bad cigarettes are for our health; why are you intentionally treating your body like that?

Women like men who care about their health. It shows that you care about the future and don’t want them to get sick from your secondhand smoke.

Not to mention the way smoking makes you smell. No lady wants to make out when you have smoke-stained teeth and gross breath.

Believe it or not, smoking affects a lot more than your mouth. In fact, LensPure detailed six ways smoking affects your vision and eye health.

If you want to find a woman that is willing to kiss you, quit smoking.

3. Not Tipping

Listen, being frugal with your money isn’t a bad thing. It’s great that you have savings goals and plan for the future. But, tipping on your bill at a restaurant is not the time to be frugal.

Women notice how much you tip. They notice how you treat the server and if you’re kind.

When the bill comes, this is your opportunity to show your date how generous you are. It’s your chance to say, “I’m not a jerk! I appreciate good service and want to express my gratitude!”

The alternative, if you don’t tip well, is your date thinking you lack gratitude. She’ll think you’re arrogant, rude, and non-appreciative.

4. Being Sexist

It’s 2018; your jokes about women making you a sandwich aren’t funny. They weren’t even funny back then.

Women today care about having the same rights as men. You need to be an ally and show you’re on their side. Because, after all, women do deserve the same rights as men.

There’s nothing sexier than a man who encourages his wife to kill it in her career. Or to make a crapload more money than him. Or to do whatever she wants to do.

There’s nothing more annoying than a man who feels insecure around hardworking women. Or, a man who still makes sexist jokes.

5. Not Contributing to Housework

No one likes cleaning the bathroom or doing dishes. It’s called “house-WORK” because these things are work. No one wants to do them.

But, if you aren’t doing some of the housework, you’re going to get pretty annoying to live with.

All it takes is one open conversation with your partner about chores. Decide who can tolerate doing what and when. Then do it!

Compromise is the name of the game and the winner gets to stay in the relationship.

6. Constant Itchiness

This is one of those habits you do without knowing. And, without knowing, you’re driving women away.

It’s normal to feel itchy “down there.” Everyone gets itchy, even women. But, relieving that itch in front of the ladies is gross and a huge turn-off.

For one thing, it makes it seem like you have a rash or something else going on down there. No woman wants to get near the goods when they’re causing you so much discomfort.

To avoid getting tolled for this bad habit, try to be more discreet. Leave the room to get your itch on. Or, start using creams that prevent itchiness.

7. Leaving Hair in the Sink

Yes, women have bad habits surrounding hair as well. They clog the shower drain faster than a dead rat.

But, your beard shavings and nose hairs don’t belong on the bathroom vanity.

It’s not that hard to wipe the hairs away or down the drain. It may seem like a small change, but this will go a long way in your lady’s books. And, it might motivate her to unclog the shower drain for once.

8. Leaving the Toilet Seat Up

This is one habit that men who are new to a relationship often have. They haven’t experienced the wrath of a woman who fell in the toilet yet. Once they do, they’ll understand.

Leaving the toilet seat up is a gross habit. Women don’t want to see the underside of the toilet seat. It makes you seem inconsiderate.

If you have a woman staying at your place for the night, be considerate of her needs. Put the toilet seat down in anticipation of her using it. It’s shocking how appreciated this small act is.

9. Using His Phone Too Much

Men and women both use their phones quite a bit. The problem comes when you’re on your phone while out on a date.

Women want to feel special and have all your attention. If you keep looking down at your cell during dinner, she’ll feel unappreciated.

Instead, make it a habit to leave your phone in the car while on a date. Or at least leave it in your pocket.

Ready to Reform Your Annoying Habits?

If you’re not having any luck with the ladies, it’s probably because you’re doing at least one of these annoying habits.

The first step to improving your game is knowing which bad habits you have. Then, you can work on changing them.

For more tips on dating, relationships, and sex, check out the Sex and Relationships Blog.

Author: IzzyWeb